Permaculture Design Firms Around the World

[guest post from Roots to Fruits blogger Mark Angelini]
Are you looking for a permaculture designer to transform your home, business, or institution into a thriving oasis of sustainability? I’ve assembled an initial list of all the permaculture design firms in the world (that I could quickly and easily find online). The graphic was created using VUE Mindmapping software. I’ve compiled these from one hours worth of research, so if you know of any firms missing from this list, please add your business name and website link in the comments!
Don’t see your permaculture design firm listed? Add the name and website link in the comments!

11 thoughts on “Permaculture Design Firms Around the World

  1. Good day, thanks for the attention to this topic. LoaTree is an eco-lifestyle company that uses permaculture principles with all of our sustainable business clients in Southern California.

    We are based on a permauculture ranch/farm in Santa Barbara County called Orella Ranch(.com).

  2. Ireland calling for your permaculture mind map of pc designers world wide.

    Pc web sites in Ireland run by permaculture trained practioners

    Permaculture Ireland
    To promote permaculture across Ireland, in the form of positive solutions to environmental problems, towards the creation of greater sustainability and a …

    Permaculture Wicklow » Free Energy Truth: The Irish Connection
    18 Feb 2011 … Promoting Permaculture in the Garden of Ireland … The second video is interesting for Irish Permaculture enthusiasts for two obvious …

    An Irish Permaculture Business:
    Design By Nature (est 1990) Trained By Dan Hemenway and Bill Molison 1986.-89
    Design services and wildflowers. Native species seed mixtures and bespoke solutions for agroforestry, polycultures, green roof, roads, NRA, SSI’s Via NPWS, Co Council Parks and Biodiverse habitats. Duchas, OPW, Irish waterways, NDP’s, Landcap, Swales, Keyline, nature sites, genebank and crops of wildflowers, wildflower seeds, botanicals, Irish networker, access to research stations, senior civil service, Daff, Teagesc, BordBia, Hort div’, Bord Bia Marketing Promotions, all skills applied to real green movement targets, direct action to intervene for nature and abundance. Not to protest but to do better then the destroyers of the earth and guide them, all be it with the voices of clouds and the movement of a thousand spiders across a freshly laid mulch garden. for some of my work check out
    for my business

    Full Immersive Permaculture Design Certificate Course
    The Permaculture Design Course in Cloughjordan offers the unique …. an Irish based economic think tank and was a Fellow of the Post Carbon Institute. …

    Designing and Planting Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment, Stormwater Runoff and Habitat Enhancement – for home-owners, developers, councils, industry and agriculture.

    FH Wetland Systems Ltd. is an environmental consultancy company based in Co. Clare. FH Wetland Systems started in Cork in 1996 with a particular emphasis on designing and planting constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment, and now also offers a range of environmental services including Sustained Urban Drainage Systems, habitat and catchment management, pollution control consultancy and edible landscaping nationwide.

    Growing Oats in the West of Ireland…Permaculture Blog …
    About Bealtaine Cottage and Permaculture Smallholding, Ireland · Archives · RSS Feed …. Permaculture Notes from an Irish Cottage. …
    the blog site is slow to download as there are hundreds of beautiful photos , esp before and after shot of planting the garden, well worth a slow visit and a glass of home made ..what ever your having your self..
    course co-ordinator on the 2-year Practical sustainability Course at Kinsale College of Further Education, teaching Permaculture, Woodland Management and Green Building.

    Introduction to Permaculture, Northern Ireland – Permaculture …
    17 Apr 2010 … Glenhordial Permaculture FarmNorthern Ireland. UK – England. Course Type: Introduction to Permaculture. Summary: … links may need research and update, – the interactive map and database of the PC movement…
    extract from database: Cornflower Response (Ireland) the Utilisation and conservation of native species …. We had started the first Irish Permaculture Design Centre to practice, then we were raided by the state police and they destroyed our first national collect of species and dug up our composting toilets. needless to say 20 years later we still hardly recovered….

    Facebook = permaculture Ireland
    Permies of Ireland unite!!
    The purpose of this group is to provide a link between people in Ireland who are interested in and practising Permaculture principles, design and philosophy,
    It is intended to facilitate communications between the aforementioned, and to provide information about relevant events, courses, gatherings etc taking place in Ireland. Facebook Privacy type: Open: All content is public.

    Resources – Glenhordial Permaculture Farm Courses and Events
    Permaculture website … film ‘Guerillas Planting’ An Irish permaculture project

    Leave No Trace Ireland
    Leave No Trace Ireland is a network of organisations and individuals with an interest in promoting the responsible recreational use of the outdoors. As increasing numbers of people seek the beauty and exhilaration of outdoor recreation, our collective mark on the environment and its natural processes, increases. Litter, disturbance to vegetation, water pollution, wildlife, livestock and other people are all indicators of the need to develop a national ethic that protects both natural and cultural heritage. Techniques designed to minimise the social and environmental impacts to these areas are incorporated into the Leave No Trace Outdoor Ethics Education Programme as seven Principles.

    Permaculture Practitioner: Richard Webb
    Richard Webb & Associates
    Contact Richard Webb
    Address Springfield
    Ballywaltrim Lane
    Co Wicklow

    Slí na Bandé: Irish Organic Resouces
    24 Oct 2010 … Organic Matters is published bi-monthly by the Irish Organic Farmers and … To promote permaculture across Ireland, in the form of positive …

    Irish seedsavers
    Heirloom varieties esp fruit, old Irish vegies and more
    Our aim is to:
    * Protect, conserve & utilise Irish plant genetic resources including rare heritage seeds, grains, vegetables & fruit.
    * Promote agricultural biodiversity for food security.
    * Educate the public on agricultural biodiversity and food security through information and workshops
    * Research seed, grain, vegetable and fruit varieties suited to Ireland’s temperate maritime climate.

    A blow in from city to country. …..Interests permaculture
    Doing my best to live in a sustainable fashion, I enjoy ; growing our own fruit & veg, rearing pigs & goats for meat & milk, sharing what I have learnt, and continue to learn, with others, woodwork & crafting, playing my fiddle, jumping at any opportunity to be spontaneous whenever possible, dreaming of the surfing days.

    Educational Charity
    The Unicorn Foundation Trust was founded in 1991 as an educational charity, with the aim of proving that humanity can live in a sustainable way without making compromises on the quality of life, or paying more money for the privilege.
    In 2000, after a lot of hard work, we established ourselves in the hills of Cork on a 150-acre site. Our dream of establishing an educational example of living comfortably with ecological and sustainable concepts, or permaculture, had become a reality. We began to develop the site as a micro-model, trialling a combination of new and old ideas that could be replicated on a larger scale, and built the first of our ecologically sound houses. Teaching Centre at

    Kinsale College of Further Education was established sixteen years ago to provide a range of Post Leaving Cert courses. Kinsale is exploring alternative economics
    Our Courses provide exciting alternatives to normal educational experience, opening new opportunities for training and work.
    Learning methods are based on active discovery methods.
    Successful graduates pursue careers in their chosen areas or use the FETAC qualification to continue education in other third level institutions.

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